Visitors to Niagara USA Enjoy Scenic Sukkah at the Falls

The Jewish community and visitors to Niagara Falls USA experienced a memorable Sukkos this year, thanks to a striking sukkah and a successful mivtzah lulav led by newly appointed shliach, Rabbi Yehuda Lorber.

The Jewish community and visitors to Niagara Falls USA experienced a memorable Sukkos this year, thanks to a striking sukkah and a successful mivtzah lulav led by newly appointed shliach, Rabbi Yehuda Lorber. Rabbi Lorber organized a public sukkah at the heart of Niagara Falls State Park right near the scenic falls, inviting locals and tourists alike to take part in the festive traditions.

The sukkah, designed to be both welcoming and visually captivating, drew a diverse crowd, sparking curiosity about Jewish traditions. Yidden from all walks of life were introduced to the mitzvah of shaking the lulav and esrog inside the sukkah as Rabbi Lorber and volunteers explained the significance of each of the Arba Minim. Visitors were also offered mezonos to fulfill the mitzvah of “leishev ba’sukkah”.  Non-Jews received the “Good Card” – explaining the 7 Mitzvos Bnei Noach.

A large frum crowd enjoyed the convenience of having a sukkah where they were able to eat and daven with a minyan.

Rabbi Lorber noted the joy of sharing the holiday in such a unique and iconic location: “Sukkos is very much connected to nature and outdoors, being able to sit in a sukkah and shake lulav while looking at one of the greatest wonders of Hashem is a spectacular experience. It was incredible to see so many people from around the world so excited to join in.”

Now that sukkos is over we are already planning a big Chanukkah event with a public Menorah lighting at the Falls.

Community members expressed excitement for the new chapter with Rabbi Lorber, whose presence already promises to enhance Jewish life in Niagara Falls, NY.

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