Videos on Chassidus Go Viral

For the past four years, Rabbi Yisroel Glick has been producing short videos on chassidus which have gone viral. The videos are produced across two different platforms, and have quickly gained popularity.

” It started when I noticed the power of well produced video to engage people and hold their attention,” Rabbi Glick told “I lamented the fact that the potential wasn’t being used out for chassidus.”

“I decided to give it a try. The first video was viewed about 400 times, the second one was viewed 70,000 times…. I knew I needed to make this into a larger project.”

Since then, Rabbi Glick’s videos have been viewed over 2,000,000 times. These presentations, which break down a text or concept in chassidus in a thoroughly engaging manner, have been making authentic chassidus universally accessible.

Over the summer, he plans to expand his projects to include a weekly Q&A series and a weekly podcast summarizing the Parsha followed by a contemporary lesson from chassidus.

In honor of Shavuos, we present a 2 minute video based on a maamar edited by the Rebbe, on the topic of Kabalas Hatorah.

You can subscribe to Rabbi Glick’s videos through Whatsapp and email.

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