33 Years Since the Gerrer Rebbe’s Yechidus With the Rebbe

33 years to the date since the Rebbe welcomed Harav Yaakov Alter, the current Gerrer Rebbe, into yechidus, JEM released the full video of the portions of the meeting which were filmed.

33 to the date since the Rebbe welcomed Harav Yaakov Alter, the current Gerrer Rebbe, into yechidus, JEM released the full video of the portions of the meeting which were filmed.

Harav Alter, who became Gerrer Rebbe in 5756, visited the Rebbe in 5749 as the son of the-then Gerrer Rebbe, the Lev Simcha. It was his second visit to the Rebbe, with the first being 5737.

The second visit came at a time when the Rebbe had generally stopped personal yechidus, yet Harav Alter was welcomed by the Rebbe into gan eden hatachton, and the Rebbe even moved a chair for him to sit on. After a short discussion, everyone besides Harav Alter and the Rebbe were asked to leave the room, and for the next 20-so minutes, a private yechidus was held.

At the end of the yechidus, the Rebbe escorted him outside of 770, with Harav Alter walking backwards so as not to turn his back to the Rebbe. On the way out, the Rebbe thanked the driver, saying “thank you for bringing such a choshove guest.”

Click here for an album of photos from the visit.

VIDEO: Full video of the public parts of the yechidus


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