Vaad of the Kinus HaMechanchim is Announced

The Merkos Chinuch Office announced the 18 members Vaad Hakinus of 5782, including mechanchim from Chabad mosdos across the US, hailing from day schools to chadorim of every shade.

The Merkos Chinuch Office announced the makeup of the Vaad HaKinus of 5782. The 18 member Vaad includes mechanchim from across the US, from Chabad mosdos, from day schools to chadorim of every shade. The Vaad is charged with creating a strong program to address the challenges that chinuch mosdos and mechanchim face today.

Rabbi Yoel Chazan, Kingston, PA,

Rabbi Yossi Evers – Oholei Torah, Crown Heights

Rabbi Manis Frankel, Pittsburgh, PA,

Rabbi Yaakov Garfinkel, LEC N. Miami Beach, Florida, 

Rabbi M.M. Greenbaum, Los Angeles CA,

Rabbi Levi Kaplan, Monsey, NY,

Rabbi Mendel Klyne, Detroit MI,

Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig, Oholei Torah, Crown Heights,

Rabbi Yitzchok Newman, Huntington Beach, CA,

Rabbi Zali Silver. Monsey, NY,

Rabbi Yaakov Scheinberger, Margate, FL.

Rabbi Yossi Wolff, Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Crown Street, 

Rabbi Mendy Yusewitz, Ohr Menachem, Crown Heights,

Rabbi Yoel Vogel, Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Crown Street,

Rabbi Shmuel Wagner, Lubavitcher Yeshiva Ocean Parkway

Rabbi Aaron Wilschanski, Morristown, NJ.

Rabbi Menachem Kirschenbaum, Fort Greene, Brooklyn. 

The Kinus HaMechanchim program features concurrent professional presentations, workshops and interest group sessions to engage the hundreds of primary educators, elementary school melamdim in attendance. Regardless of what level a mechanech is involved with, he will find substantive, practical chinuch guidance and advice devoted to his interests and needs.

Teachers and principals are encouraged to explore ideas and their application and write to papers for presentation. Some teachers work hard to prepare a presentation about something special they are doing, others come and pose a dilemma or problem for their colleagues to discuss, regardless both come away enriched. The presenter will learn from his colleagues’ critique what he might do better and the listeners are inspired by a new idea.

Rabbi Nochem Kaplan, Director of the Merkos Chinuch Office said “Mechanchim cherish the professionalism and the camaraderie; they are enamored of the fact that for 48 hours they are totally immersed in a world that is totally dedicated to education along with so many of their colleagues”..

The Kinus will be held on Monday and Tuesday 18 and 19 Menachem Av, August 15th and 16th at the Armon Hotel in Stanford CT. Just an hour from NY, the beautiful facility is uniquely situated to accommodate travelers because of its proximity to the airports and trains.


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