Vaad Hatmimim to Continue to Provide for Bochurim

The Vaad logistics team is currently arranging for sleeping accommodations and food provisions beyond the original Tishrei plan which was scheduled to come to a close tomorrow, 26 Tishrei.

Dear fellow Chossid,

Every Bochur who traveled to be by the Rebbe for Tishrei will be cared for until they can travel back to Artzeinu Hakedosha.

A small number of Bochurim have already returned to EY and others are working on travel plans. Vaad Hatmimim is in touch with parents, Yeshivos and the Bochurim to make sure everyone is cared for Bgashmiyus Uberuchniyus. We are hopeful to have all the Bochurim back in Eretz Yisroel, together with their families and learning in Yeshiva very soon.

The Vaad logistics team is currently arranging for sleeping accommodations and food provisions beyond the original Tishrei plan which was scheduled to come to a close tomorrow, 26 Tishrei.

The Aibishter runs the world and we have to do our part.

Close to 1,000 Bochurim need places to sleep and need to be fed.

The Vaad is estimating an additional $100,000 is needed to care for the Bochurim over the next week or so.

Your continued generous support is needed. If you are able to take care of the Bochurim, any amount will go directly to the food and sleep accommodations. No amount is too small and no amount is too large.


With hearts full of Tefilos and commitment to keep caring for the Bochurim until they arrive home safe and sound, Bsuros Tovos!!!

If you are able to host bochurim during this time please email [email protected]

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