While many bochurim would like to come to the Rebbe for Yud Alef Nissan, this proves difficult for many ouf-of-town bochurim. Yeshivos usually end around 6 Nissan, and after that, the out-of-towners are without a program or lodgings.
Enter Vaad Talmidei Hatemimim. The Vaad has established a comprehensive program between Thursday ו’ ניסן and Monday night י’ ניסן, with special shiurim and presentations, farbrengens every night, and mivtzoim. Sleeping accommodations and 3 daily meals will be provided for those who need it.
The idea of a Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim was encouraged by the Rebbe many times so that
Vaad Director Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Altein says that he expects a large response. “We had many requests to create such a program. We are happy that we can do it now, and help the
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