Upper West Side Yeshiva Celebrates Chag Hasmicha

Chabad of the Upper West Side was alive with excitement as proud talmidim, parents, Shluchim, and community members gathered to celebrate the Yeshivas Hashluchim’s Chag Hasmicha, marking the end of another successful year.

Chabad of the Upper West Side was alive with excitement as Yeshivas Hashluchim celebrated its Chag Hasmicha, marking the end of another successful year. Proud parents, Shluchim, and community members gathered to honor the graduating Bochurim.

The event was truly inspiring. We heard from various Rabbis who shared heartfelt words about the hard work and dedication of the Bochurim. Rabbi Shmuel Plotkin, the founder of the program, was there and spoke about the incredible growth each Bochur experiences as they become a Rabbi. “It changes they way you look at yourself,” he said.

This year is particularly special as Yeshivas Hashluchim finishes its ninth year and looks forward to celebrating its tenth. Rabbi Yanky Blasberg, the Menahel, reflected on the program’s journey and the exciting future ahead. “We are proud of how far we’ve come and look forward to many more years of success,” he said.

The evening was not just about recognition; it was a celebration of the positive impact these Bochurim have had on the Upper West Side community. One community member shared his joy from his weekly learning sessions, saying, “I became thirsty for knowledge, and every Tuesday night was a chance to learn and grow. These Bochurim have truly enriched our lives and their presence will be missed.”

Rabbi Shlomo Kugel also spoke of the impact of the Bochurim. “The integration of the Bochurim into our community has been a tremendous blessing,” said Rabbi Shlomo Kugel. “Their energy and enthusiasm have truly vitalized the Upper West Side. They’ve not only learned from us but have also taught us so much in return.” Rabbi Mendel Kugel added, “Their presence has brought a new spirit to our Shul and our community. They have a way of connecting with people that is truly special.”

Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yossi Barber, known for his vast knowledge and dedication to teaching, has guided the students throughout the year, handed out the Semicha certificates to the Bochurim,. His presentation of the certificates was a proud moment, symbolizing the hard work and commitment of each Bochur.

The speeches were full of warm wishes for the graduates’ future success, and the atmosphere was one of Nachas and pride. The community looks forward to seeing these young men continue their journey as Rabbis and leaders.

Yeshivas Hashluchim is still excepting new candidates for the upcoming year. If you’re a Bochur looking for a Semicha program that combines learning with real Shlichus experience, we encourage you to contact Rabbi Yanky Blasberg at [email protected]. This is a unique opportunity to grow both in knowledge and in your ability to inspire and lead within a community.

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