Uplifting Rosh Hashanah 5785 in Moscow

Hundreds welcomed the new year at the Marina Roscha Shul and Community Center in Moscow with uplifting tefilos led by Russia’s Chief Rabbi and Shliach, Rabbi Berel Lazar, and world-renowned Chazzan Rabbi Dovid Caytak.

After extensive preparations at the central shul and Jewish center “Marina Roscha” in central Moscow, the facility stood ready to welcome the community and guests who arrived from near and far to spend the two days of Rosh Hashanah and the following Shabbos.

The new year began with a droshe by Russia’s Chief Rabbi and Shliach, Rabbi Berel Lazar, on the essence of the Yom Tov and the meaning of the day’s mitzvos. Following the tefillos, the community spent time personally meeting with Rabbi Lazar and receiving brachos from him along with an apple and honey, a pomegranate, and a guide for the month of Tishrei.

The tefillos at the central shul, which had been meticulously organized in advance with machzorim, yarmulkes, taleisim, and everything necessary for both regular mispallelim and guests, were conducted in an uplifting atmosphere led by Chief Chazzan Rabbi Dovid Caytak. Afterward, lavish and dignified Yom Tov seudos were served.

Throughout the Yom Tov, numerous shiurim in Torah and Chassidus were held in the grand shul. The minhag of Tashlich was also observed near the fish pond in the shul courtyard.

In addition to a greeting letter sent by Russian President Vladimir Putin, many congratulatory messages were received during the Erev Yom Tov from the Prime Minister, Mayor, regional governors, members of parliament, and numerous public figures.

These successful outcomes were the result of extensive preparation and investment in both the shul itself and the Chabad houses, along with other shuls in the Russian capital. The efforts were aimed at encouraging thousands of Moscow’s Yidden to attend tefillos and shofar blowings with their families. Volunteers even visited several prisons to bring the sound of the shofar to Jewish inmates. Additionally, Yom Tov kits were distributed to thousands of Yidden, and packages containing Yom Tov essentials were provided to large families, the elderly, and the lonely.

Photos: Levi Nazarov

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