Upbeat Niggun Remake: Niggun M’vitebsk

Lubavitcher musician and singer Elazar Bitton performed an upbeat version of the Chabad tune ‘Niggun M’vitebsk’ attributed to the Chassidim of the Rebbe Maharash.

Lubavitcher musician and singer Elazar Bitton performed an upbeat version of the Chabad tune ‘Niggun M’vitebsk’.

The niggun originated in the town of Vitebsk, a town with a rich chassidic history, home to many generations of Chassidim. It is attributed to the Chassidim of the Rebbe Maharash.

With its heartwarming tune and moving melody, the niggun falls under the category of niggunei hisvaadus. The niggun is Niggun 119 in Sefer Hanigunim.


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