Despite Fears, Shluchim Experiencing Unprecedented Participation

Thousands of young Jewish families are showing up to Chanukah events held by CKid chapters across the globe, spurred on by a rising sense of Jewish pride and thirst to learn about and connect to Yiddishkeit.

Amidst rising antisemitism worldwide, CKids’ Shluchim witnessed an inspiring surge in participation this Chanukah. Thousands of young Jewish families worldwide came together on an unprecedented scale to experience the festival of lights with interactive activities commemorating the holiday’s miracles. At a time when increasing numbers of Jews fear expressing their Judaism publicly, this remarkable showing revealed the enduring strength of Jewish youth standing tall in the face of adversity.

At a time when, according to a recent Chabad report, more than 80 percent of congregants reported feeling increasingly scared, thousands of Jewish children from over 275 cities across the globe courageously participated in the CKids Light Up Legoland Chanukah Club, as CKids Shluchim reported an astonishing three-fold increase in participation.

From crafting dreidels to building Lego menorahs, the Chanukah club offered an array of interactive Chanukah activities to light the soul. These activities engaged children and left them excited for the holiday and lessons, which resonate deeply today.

The program, developed by Shaina Ezagui from CKids International at Merkos 302, was designed to be educational and interactive, including activities such as the Mystery Maccabi Quest, which challenged participants with hard-to-solve clues and puzzles, to the Chanukah Dazzler, where kids built their own lego Menorah. Concluding the event, children received inspirational Chanukah Superhero cards where they undertook to do a mitzvah illuminating the world. 

In addition to enabling the children to gain essential knowledge about the holiday, the Chanukah Club’s impact continues to reverberate. “Just wanted to share some “nachas” for the CKids team,” said Mrs. Chanchy Majesky. “One new child joined Hebrew school because of today’s Chanukah program!!”.

“We hope programs like these help ignite the flames of Jewish pride within today’s youth. Connecting to your heritage in a fun and meaningful way is a critical part of one’s Jewish journey,” said Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “In a time of uncertainty around the world, seeing these young families come out and participate in Jewish events with courage and confidence inspires us all.”

For more information about CKids or any questions, comments, or dedication opportunities, feel free to message Merkos 302 on WhatsApp.

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