Event to Explore Role of Personality in Relationships

How can we establish healthy connections when our personalities are so different from one another? Join an eye-opening workshop with Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg on how personality differences create conflict and how we can change these dynamics in our relationships.

Relationships are complex. Some people are born leaders while others are intrinsically task followers. While organization comes naturally for some, for others it may be the greatest challenge. How can we establish healthy connections when we are so different from one another in our personalities and perspectives?

Junior N’shei of Crown Heights invites you to join an empowering evening with Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg where we will learn to correctly understand and be understood by others. Take part in an eye-opening workshop where we will explore how our personality differences can create conflict and how we can change these dynamics in our relationships.

Join live via Zoom this Motzei Shabbos, 1 Adar, Feb. 13 at 8:30 PM.

Zoom ID: 769 984 4549
Password: 770


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