ULYOP Releases Never Seen Before Photos of Past 50 Years

Lubavitcher Yeshiva Ocean Parkway has released a series of photos featuring teachers and students from the past 50 years since the yeshiva opened its doors.

Lubavitcher Yeshiva Ocean Parkway has released a series of photos featuring teachers and students from the past 50 years since the yeshiva opened its doors. From father to son, Lubavitcher Yeshiva Ocean Parkway is where the past and present click. Former teacher? Alumnus? Find yourself in the photos!

Since its inception in the year 1969, Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway has educated thousands of students who have gone on to become Shluchim, Rabbanim and leaders in their respective communities.

Many respected individuals in Anash have served as teachers and staff members such as: Rabbi Wineberg, Rabbi Kotlarsky, Rabbi Marlow, Rabbi Shwei, Rabbi Bukiet, Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Garfinkel.

Were you a student or staff member at Lubavitcher Yeshiva Ocean Parkway?

Do you know someone who was?

Thousands of individuals have passed through the doors of the Yeshiva, and hundreds more are currently enrolled. Each one has left his mark on the Yeshiva and carries the spirit of Tomchei Temimim inside of him as well.

Take part in the Tomchei Temimim Auction today in support of the Yeshiva!


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