ULYOP Launches Paid Teacher Training Program

This upcoming school year, United Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway is opening a paid teachers’ internship/training program. The program will be directed and taught by ULYOP principals, Rabbi Sebbag and Rabbi Turk.

Our community has a shortage of star teachers to educate and inspire the growing number of students, ULY OP wants to do something about it.  

This upcoming school year, United Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway is opening a paid teachers’ internship/training program. Weekly staff training is an important part of ULYOP’s success and the yeshiva is looking for top talented individuals interested in the shlichus of chinuch who also want to hone their skills before walking into a classroom fulltime.  

The program will be directed and taught by ULYOP principals, Rabbi Yaacov Sebbag and Rabbi Shmuel Turk with a third veteran Mechanech being announced shortly. 

“This is an unprecedented opportunity to get hands-on training in a real live classroom. It’s not just theoretical learning, it’s a chance to practice and master the skills of a mechanech before diving into a classroom”, explained Rabbi Sebbag, principal of ULYOP.  

Successful graduates, who can demonstrate mastery and willingness to teach, will improve job prospects and be qualified to teach in any school, plus they will be eligible for an immediate job offer at ULYOP.  

The robust curriculum includes five key areas: 

  1. דוגמא חיה / כללי החינוך וההדרכה / הלכות תלמוד תורה 

– Learn and apply the foundations of a true mechanech. 

  1. Planning & Preparation 

– Learn how to prepare a lesson 

– Learn how to learn about your students 

– Learn how to identify goals and your instructional outcomes 

– Learn about available resources 

– Learn about the foundations of designing coherent instruction 

– Learn how to design student assessments 

  1. Classroom Behavior & Environment 

– Learn how to create an environment of respect and rapport 

– Learn how to establish a culture for learning 

– Learn how to manage classroom procedures 

– Learn how to manage student behavior 

– Learn how to organize physical space 

  1. Master Instruction 

– Learn how to communicate with students 

– Learn how to use questioning and discussion techniques 

– Learn how to engage students in learning 

– Learn how to use assessment in instruction 

– Learn how to demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness 

  1. Teacher Responsibilities 

– Learn how to reflect on teaching 

– Learn how to maintain accurate records 

– Learn how to communicate with families 

– Learn how to take part in learning from your colleagues 

– Learn how to grow and develop as a mechanech 

– Learn how to show professionalism and inspire parents 

This project is one of the many ways ULYOP is preparing the upcoming school year and continued growth that the school enjoys.  

Keep in mind, student registration is currently open in grade Pre1A and 1st grade, with limited spots available. If you are interested in registering your child, please visit ulyop.com/apply.  

If you would like to apply for the ULY Training Institute, please visit ULYOP.com/training 

If you are a school administrator and would like to have current teachers train and join the program, please email [email protected]

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