Ukraine’s Jewish Soldiers to Receive Mishloach Manos

In an unprecedented move, over 1,000 Purim gift packages are set to be delivered to Jewish soldiers stationed on the front lines in Ukraine.

In an unprecedented move, over 1,000 Purim gift packages are set to be delivered to Jewish soldiers stationed on the front lines in Ukraine.

Orchestrated by the Federation of Jewish Communities in Ukraine (FJCU), the effort spans a challenging 1,200-kilometer front, ensuring soldiers in Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kharkiv receive these tokens of celebration.

The operation, led by Rabbi Yaakov Siniakov and assisted by volunteers, also includes festive Purim readings at various front-line locations. This comes alongside FJCU’s distribution of 40,000 gift packages to Jewish communities across Ukraine and extensive Purim readings, embracing the Rebbe’s directive for widespread holiday joy.

Rabbi Meir Stambler, chairman of the FJCU, highlights the unwavering spirit amidst heightened conflict, ensuring every Jew in Ukraine feels the festive joy.

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