Tzivos Hashem Celebrates 43 Years With Gala Dinner

Photos: Mendy Dahan/

Tzivos Hashem celebrated their 43rd year with a gala dinner this past week, honoring Rabbi Mendel and Mrs. Channy Drizin a”h and others for their dedication to the mission of changing the lives of children around the globe.

Photos: Mendy Dahan/

On Monday, November 20, more than two hundred guests gathered for the 43rd annual gala of Tzivos Hashem, the largest global Jewish children’s organization that enriches the lives of children from all backgrounds, giving them access to the richness of the Jewish heritage.

Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf who is a long-standing pillar of support of Tzivos Hashem and the Jewish Children’s Museum, was a Guest of Honor.

Ira and Valentyna Weinstein were presented with the Couple of the Year Award, for dedicating themselves to the activities of Tzivos Hashem since its inception 43 years ago! recognizing the importance of educating Jewish children.

The Tzivos Hashem Memorial Award, in memory of Rabbi Menachem Mendel and Mrs. Channy Drizin was presented to Chaim Drizin, recognizing his parents’ contribution to Tzivos Hashem and the Rebbe’s works, as well as the community in general.

The program, including cocktails, dinner and a silent auction, as well as the recitation of Tehillim for Eretz Yisroel and for our people all over, was emceed by Sasha Salama, an internationally acclaimed news anchor. The highlight of the evening was renowned Chassidic singer Levi Falkowitz, who led the crowd with his unique kumzitz style musical presentation.

Guests left inspired by the amazing, international work of Tzivos Hashem, and enjoyed a beautiful and meaningful evening.

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