Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp Ends On A High

The Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp of the Shluchim Office concluded on a high with over 150 Young Shluchos returning home inspired and uplifted after spending 10 incredible days together.

N’Shei Readers: To see the full gallery, click here.

The Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp of the Shluchim Office concluded on a high with over 150 Young Shluchos returning home inspired and uplifted after spending 10 incredible days together.

From China to Panama, Young Shluchos living around the world joined together in Lake Worth, Florida, enjoying the once a year opportunity to connect, have fun and grow in an inspiring camp atmosphere.

“We’ve been blown away by the activities, trips, and toichen planned,” wrote Mrs. Mushka Weinbaum, Shlucha to Birmingham, Alabama. “Our daughter Mimi had the very best time, we are beyond grateful for giving her this incredible opportunity!

The Young Shluchos enjoyed a full program with a packed schedule every day filled with activities, games, and projects. In addition to all the fun, the camp experience infused each Young Shlucha with Chayus and excitement to take back home. 

“I loved seeing my friends from Shluchim Online School and had the best time,” shared camper Runya Dubrowski. “Every day was amazing, I never wanted camp to end!”

The talented team of staff was led by Mrs. Mushka Brook with assistant director Rochel Goldman (Gainesville, FL) and head counselors Chanchie Schapiro (Los Angeles, CA) and Musya Deren (South Africa). The incredible group of head staff included activity directors Risha Paltiel (Port Washington, NY) and Chana Eisenbach (Waterbury, CT).

“It’s been beautiful to see the connections the Young Shluchos made and the inspiration they took in,” said director Mrs. Mushka Brook. “Through the warm, Chassidishe atmosphere and the staff’s focus on each camper, the girls were really able to grow and gain in their Hiskashrus and pride as Shluchos.”

Check out the full photo gallery at and visit for more information.

Machane Rivka Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp is a project of the Shluchim Office. The Shluchim Office honors the memory of Rabbi Don Yoel Levy A”H of OK Kosher organization, a longtime supporter of the Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camps.

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