Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp Ends on a High

Machane Rivka Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp of the Shluchim Office wrapped up on a high with over 150 Young Shluchos returning home with renewed energy and pride in their unique role as a Shlucha. 

Over the past ten days, Young Shluchos joined from around the world to spend ten precious days together in Lake Worth, Florida. The long-awaited experience is a once-a-year opportunity for the girls to connect, have fun and grow in an inspiring camp atmosphere.

“Our daughter Mariasha arrived home from camp and her enthusiasm is on top of the world,” shared Mrs. Estie Marozov, Shlucha to Beachwood, Ohio. “We feel so fortunate to have been able to send her to a quality program infused with growth and Chasidishkeit. She created lots of new friendships and has a very special connection with many staff members as well, she can’t wait to return again!”

The packed program included amazing activities from ziplining to swimming, exciting themed days from Shtetl day to color war, beautiful Farbrengens and Hiskashrus initiatives. In just ten days the full program gave every Young Shlucha the complete camp experience, infusing them with Chayus and excitement to take back home. 

“Yetta had such an incredible experience,” wrote Mrs. Devorah Waks, Shlucha to Clinton, New York. “Thank you so much for everything you did to give her fun, friendships, growth, Chayus and Chassidishe Avir she got at camp!! I know she’ll treasure her time at camp and will be looking forward to reconnecting next year!”

Many thanks are due to the talented team of staff, led by director Mrs. Mushka Minsky with head counselors Chaya Wolvovsky and Mushka Rivkin. The amazing group of head staff included Mushka Nathanson, Moussia Stone, Elisheva Dinerman, Zelda Minsky and Chana Paltiel.

Special thanks go to the dedicated counselors including Raizel Rivkin, Risha Paltiel, Shaina Goldstein, Shterna Gurary, Rochee Segiel, Mushka Shusterman, Chana Reiter, Sheina Kulski, Chanie Schmerling, Nechama Weiss, Chana Kosofsky, Libby Gopin, Chayale Wilhelm, Rivky Munitz, Itty Barber and Chaya Tauber. 

Check out the full photo gallery at and visit for more information.Machane Rivka Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp is a project of the Shluchim Office. The Shluchim Office honors the memory of Rabbi Don Yoel Levy A”H of OK Kosher organization, a longtime sponsor of the Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camps.

Click here to view the full gallery of photos from the girl’s camp on our N’shei site.

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