Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp Announces Head Staff

As Young Shluchim count down the days until the start of the Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camp in Lake Worth, FL, the Shluchim Office announces the head staff for the girl’s division.

Young Shluchos living around the world wait every year for the Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp, a once-a-year, unique experience where they get to spend quality time in a warm, Chassidishe, fun environment together with fellow Shluchos. 

“The impact camp had on my daughter can truly not be measured,” said Mrs. Devorah Leah Frimerman, Shlucha to Postville, Iowa. “She enjoyed camp so, so much and loved the Chassidishe atmosphere that was imparted in a fun way! She also gained tremendously from meeting and becoming friends with so many other Shluchos!”

The camp will be led by director Mrs. Mushka Minsky with head counselors Mushka Rivkin (Northridge, CA) and Chaya Wolwovsky (Santa Rosa, CA). Joining them is a talented group of head staff including Elisheva Dinerman (San Diego, CA), Moussia Stone (Manhattan, NY), Chana Brod (Montreal, Canada), Zelda Minsky (Crown Heights), and Chana Paltiel (Port Washington, NY).

With the largest group of campers attending this year and even more waiting to attend, staff have been busy with the many requests, going the extra mile to accommodate as many Young Shluchos as possible.

“The incredibly high rate of returning campers, and so many more who now want to attend, helps us appreciate even more how much this experience means to each and every Young Shlucha,” shared Mrs. Mushka Minsky. “The incredible group of staff has been working night and day to give the girls a one-of-a-kind, unforgettable program.”

With so many girls eager to come to camp, the administration has been hard at work to accommodate as many campers as possible. “Friends and supporters have really stepped up, helping us make some key investments that have already allowed a 40% increase in capacity,” related Berel Bendet, who directs the Tzeirei Hashluchim Division. And they are not finished. “Our goal is to do everything we can so no camper will be left on a waiting list.”

To support and for more information, visit or email [email protected].

Tzeirei Hashluchos Winter Camp is a project of the Shluchim Office. The Shluchim Office honors the memory of Rabbi Don Yoel Levy A”H of OK Kosher organization, a longtime sponsor of the Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camps.

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