Tut Altz Initiative Making Waves in Crown Heights

You know that the Tut Altz Moshiach learning initiative has gone global. But did you also know it’s at home in Crown Heights?

Tut Altz, the global initiative to bring Moshiach, has gone… local.

In almost one year since the project’s launch, the well-known program to help adopt a Moshiach mindset has reached 121 communities. And that number is about to increase.

The Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, together with the organization Irgun Torah, are piloting shiurim all over Crown Heights for men and women. Using the six-part Tut Altz curriculum, four new classes for men have sprung up. These first four are led by Rabbis Mendel Krasnianski, Fishel Oster,  Motty Lipsker and Mendel Yusevitz and are located, respectively, at 770 under the Ezras Nashim (this one in Hebrew), Rayim Ahuvim, Mishkan Moshe and Anshei Moshe.

Dozens of Crown Heights locals have been attending. But the buck doesn’t stop there. 

“As new shuls, facilities and organizations emerge, we want to fill the gap and provide more learning opportunities. All with the goal of  authentic Moshiach education,” says Rabbi Avrohom Rotban, Director of Irgun Torah.

Rabbi Shlomie Naparstek, co-director of the Moshiach Office adds: “There’s a lot of focus on ‘global’ initiatives, so we’re excited to be expanding our reach within Crown Heights.”

Attendance at Tut Altz shiurim in Crown Heights is swiftly increasing. “It’s a transformative experience,” Rabbi Naparstek reports, “and people are excited to join.”

Rabbi Sholom Gansburg, one of the project’s organizers, shares the program’s vision: “As Chassidim, we all want to fulfill the Rebbe’s ratzon. This program provides that opportunity in a practical way and, we hope, will lead to a mindset shift of all of us starting to live with Moshiach.”

Another shiur, this time for women, was recently added to the list. Arranged in collaboration with “Mothers of Crown Heights” and taking place at the Miriam’s Motherhood Center, this class seeks to inform and educate women about their unique role in transforming Golus to Geulah.

“Having ongoing shiurim at the Motherhood Center was always part of our dream. I’m so glad to be able to collaborate with Tut Altz and offer their thorough and user-friendly curriculums to Crown Heights women,” says Mrs. Mushka Leiter of Mothers of Crown Heights

For individuals who wish to study the texts on their own, or for teachers and parents who’d like to use the material for their children, the latest copies of Tut Altz are available at Kahan’s Superette on Kingston Avenue.

“Our real goal is to give nachas to the Rebbe and koch in learning about Moshiach. We are proud of the united effort these mosdos are making to advance that,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch.

To organize a shiur in your shul or center, contact Irgun Torah at [email protected]. The Moshiach Office will provide all materials.

Contact Tut Altz Customer at Whatsapp: +1 (347)-343-4514, Email: [email protected], Website: Tutaltz.com

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