Tu B’shevat Guide: Dried Fruits and Nuts Without a Hechsher

As Tu B’shevat approaches, Rabbi Nissan Zibell of Kashrus: Be in the Know presents a clear guide to kashrus concerns and issues when purchasing dried fruits.

Tu B’shvat Guide
Compiled by Rabbi Nissan Zibell

Important to note:

This list does NOT apply to:

  • Products From Israel or China.
  • Any dried fruits that are freeze dried.
  • Products for Pesach.

 All of the above require reliable Hashgacha.

Please be careful to read the introduction to this list to avoid possible mistakes.

General Guidelines:

Added Potassium Sorbate or Sulfur Dioxide isn’t an issue. 

All dried fruit from Israel and China need Reliable Hashgacha. 

Freeze Dried – all freeze dried fruits need Reliable Hashgacha. There is heat involved in the process and the equipment many times has non-Kosher things also dried on it. 

Those dried fruits that need Reliable Hashgacha is because belt release agents are added to the machinery handling them so it doesn’t stick. These release agents can be non kosher oils or the like. Some use animal stearate to prevent clumping. Since they are just processing aids and not an ingredient in the product, the companies don’t have to declare it on the label.

Apples, dried – Requires reliable Hashgacha.

Apricots, dried – without additives, do not require Reliable Hashgacha, but needs checking for bugs. Sulfur dioxide isn’t an issue. Some apricots have flavors or dairy probiotics added to them and need Reliable Hashgacha. 

Bananas, dried – Requires reliable Hashgacha. 

Barberries, dried- Not acceptable even with Hashgacha due to infestation. 

Blackberries, dried- Not acceptable even with Hashgacha due to infestation. 

Blueberries, dried- Requires reliable Hashgacha.

Carob – Does not require Hashgacha, however, it requires inspection for insects; powdered carob, requires reliable Hashgacha.

Cherries, dried – Requires reliable Hashgacha. 

Cranberries, dried – Requires reliable Hashgacha. 

Currants – Requires reliable Hashgacha. 

Dates – Without additives, do not require Hashgacha. Imported or domestic, whole or pitted dates, require inspection.  Slice open to check. USA grown Medjool dates are generally less infested than other dates (Deglet Noor, etc.).

Figs – Without additives, do not require Hashgacha. Added Potassium Sorbate isn’t an issue. However they require inspection by turning the fig inside out and looking for noticeable webbing, wasps and worms.

Ginger, dried- Requires reliable Hashgacha. 

Goji Berries, dried- Highly infested. Not recommend to use even with Hashgacha. 

Lemon Peel, dried – Without any additives, does not require Hashgacha. 

Mandarines, dried – Without additives, do not require Hashgacha. Sulfur dioxide is not an issue. 

Mango, dried – Without any additives, does not require Hashgacha. 

Mulberries, dried- Not acceptable even with Hashgacha due to infestation. 

Nectarines, dried – Without additives, do not require Hashgacha. Sulfur dioxide is not an issue. 

Papaya, dried – Requires reliable Hashgacha. 

Peaches, dried – Without additives, do not require Hashgacha. Sulfur dioxide is not an issue. 

Pear, dried – Without additives, does not require Hashgacha. Sulfur dioxide is not an issue. 

Persimmon, dried- With no added flavors and as long as it’s not from Israel, does not require Hashgacha. 

Pineapples, dried – Without additives, do not require Hashgacha. Sulfur dioxide is not an issue. 

Prunes – Without additives, do not require Hashgacha. Sulfur dioxide is not an issue. 

Nuts – Unflavored & unsalted raw nuts are acceptable without hashgachah, assuming there are no added kosher sensitive ingredients. Nuts which are merely blanched or pasteurized (including steam pasteurization) are considered “raw”. Any nuts which are roasted (dry or oil roasted), cooked, boiled, canned, flavored, colored, or have added kosher-sensitive ingredients, require a reliable hashgachah.

Raisins – Domestic without oil, do not require Hashgacha. Imported need Reliable Hashgacha. 

Raspberries, dried- Not acceptable even with Hashgacha due to infestation. 

Strawberries– Requires reliable Hashgacha. 

Tamarinds, dried- Does not require Hashgacha. Needs checking for bugs. Check for holes, which are signs of infestation.

Watermelon, dried- Requires reliable Hashgacha.

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  1. Excellent information. I shop at Aroma Kosher Market in Boca Raton Fl. My sister Miriam in CrownHeights, NY sent me your link and information Chag Sameach. Rosalyn Sherman

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