Triple Hiloula to be Celebrated in Crown Heights

A triple Hiloula, marking the yahrzeits of the Rambam, the Alter Rebbe and Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira, will be celebrated this Motzei Shabbat in Crown Heights.

Friday, 20 Tevet is the Yahrzeit and Hiloula of the Rambam and Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira, known as the Abir Yaacov, grandfather of the Baba Sali.

Tuesday, 24 Tevet is the Yahrzeit and Hiloula of the Alter Rebbe.

Congregation Merkaz Sefarad Chabad, under the dynamic leadership of Rabbi Eliezer Avtzon, will once again be partnering with Mrs. Chaya Zaetz and her family, and will be hosting the Hiloula this Motzoei Shabbat at 8:00 pm in Ulam Chana, adjacent to the Merkaz Sefarad, located at 556 Crown Street (corner Albany Ave).

Mrs. Zaetz is one of two granddaughters of Rabbi Yaacov living here in Crown Heights.

Her sister, Mrs. Annette Lipsker and family, will be co-sponsoring the Hiloula of Rabbi Yisroel Abuhatzeira a.k.a. the Baba Sali on Wednesday, January 5th, the eve of 4 Shevat and Yahrzeit of the Baba Sali.

Residents of Crown Heights, and especially those from Sefardic origins, are invited to participate in this great evening of inspiration, which will include traditional Moroccan foods, live music and Piyutim, together with Divrei Torah and Chizuk.

The evening will also be לע”נ רמי ע”ה בן עזרא and for a רפואה שלימה לשמעון בן אליס


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