Triple Event Celebrates Boys’ Learning at Oholei Torah

Photos: David Katash/

Excitement filled the air in the Oholei Torah ballroom this morning, as a triple event was held for grades five through seven, distributing prizes for Mishnayos baal peh, Chidon and Tzivos Hashem promotions, plus a surprise announcement.

Excitement filled the air in the Oholei Torah ballroom this morning, as a triple event was held for grades five through seven, with a surprise announcement for the talmidim in addition.

Prizes were distributed to the talmidim with the top marks in three separate programs that were ongoing throughout the year in this division, with Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig, principal, at its helm. Distributing the prizes were Rabbi Yoni Lewkowicz and Rabbi Yossi Evers, assistant principals of grades five through seven, Rabbi Mendel Levin who is the Tzivos Hashem Base Commander in Oholei Torah, and Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum of the Tzivos Hashem Headquarters.

Prizes were awarded to winners of the Mishnayos Baal Peh program. Over 250 talmidim studied Mishnayos, Gemara, Tanya and Yedios Klaliyos Baal Peh for the past ten months. This morning, 73 talmidim with the top marks were rewarded on stage with various sefarim.

The second program for which talmidim were rewarded today is for the track in Chidon Mitzvos called the Iyun Track. Twenty talmidim in Oholei Torah who scored over 90% on their Iyun finals were each rewarded with a glass trophy on stage during this event.

In addition, there was a grand promotion ceremony for generals in the flourishing Tzivos Hashem program at Oholei Torah. Periodically we have promotion ceremonies for the students who go up in rank throughout the year, and today we had the finale as a grand promotion ceremony. We saluted all our generals – one star, two star, three star and four star generals – in grades five through seven and promoted any new generals in those ranks today, as well.

Then came the surprise! Winners of our Chidon Pirkei Avos Program, which ran from Pesach until now, were announced at this event. All these winners are going to be on stage for the Chidon which will take place at the end of this week.

Parents were smiling, cameras were flashing, and everyone had nachas from all the talmidim who participated in these extra-curricular programs!


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