Trip To Crown Heights the Highlight of Cheder Boys’ Year

Cheder Menachem of Kingston, PA took a trip to Crown Heights and the Ohel in honor of Yud Shvat, and visited 770, the library, and the local mosdos.

For the young talmidim of Cheder Menachem of Kingston, PA, the highlight of the year is their annual trip to the Ohel and Crown Heights. There, they daven in all the special places and get tours of the local mosdos like the library and WLCC.

The boys started their day by traveling to the Ohel for an uplifting visit to daven. This was followed by lunch in the tent and then a trip to the Rebbe’s Shchuna.

Once in Crown Heights, the talmidim visited 770, had a tour of WLCC, looked around kehos, went to the matza bakery, the Rebbe’s library, to sofrim and then onward to Rubashkin’s house for dinner. It was an exciting and inspiring trip, and made a strong impression on the young boys.

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