Touching Gift Was Result of Pledge at ‘Pegisha’ Farbrengen

Members of R’ Michoel’s minyan gifted a number students who were participating in the ‘Pegisha’ Shabbaton with pairs of tefillin in exchange for their commitment to putting them on daily.

This past Shabbos, as almost 1,200 students spent an uplifting Shabbos in Crown Heights attending the Chabad on Campus International Pegisha, inspiring farbrengens sprung up throughout the neighborhood.

At one such gathering, members of R’ Michoel’s minyan gifted a number of students with pairs of tefillin in exchange for their commitment to putting them on daily.

On Sunday morning, R’ Velvel Karp delivered the tefillin to the students on behalf of the Minyan members and helped them put the tefillin on for the first time.


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