Toronto Yeshivos Come Together for Purim

Mesivta Lubavitch Toronto, Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto, and Mesivta Ohr Temimim Toronto joined together Purim night to experience a one-of-a-kind Purim dancing.

Mesivta Lubavitch Toronto, Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto, and Mesivta Ohr Temimim Toronto joined together Purim night to experience a one-of-a-kind Purim dancing.

The spirit of Purim didn’t take time to kick off in Toronto. Just after two short hours of running door to door around the Greater Toronto Area, giving Yidden who couldn’t make it to shul the ability to fulfill their obligation, the bochurim made their way back to Yeshiva where exuberant dancing commenced.

The room was ecstatic as 200+ bochurim and their hanhala came to the zal of Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto, where the band was in full gear.

The dancing, which lasted for hours, was only the start of a packed day of peulos.

Beginning at 5:30 am bochurim started making their rounds to their Mivtzoim routes and other pre-arranged Purim parties.

Some traveling up to an hour, the bochurim reached over 2,000 Jews this Purim. 

The day concluded with farbrengens until morning. 


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