Toronto to Unite in Merit of Rabbi Dovid Schochet

A Hakhel gathering of Torah, tefilah and tzedaka will take place in Toronto in merit of a refuah shleimah for Harav Dovid Schochet, longtime rov and mara d’asra.

Men, women and children from across the Toronto community will be joining for a Hakhel gathering in the merit of their revered rov.

The gathering will be in the merit of a refuah shleimah and arichus yomim for Harav Dovid Schochet, longtime rov and mara d’asra in Toronto, who has been serving the community with absolute dedication for over 65 years, l’orech yomim v’shanim tovos.

Led by rabbonim from across the city, the Hakhel will include Torah, tefilah and tzedaka.

Thursday, 26 Sivan, June 15th.
6:30 – 7:15 PM.
770 Chabad Gate – Main Shul.

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