Toronto Nshei Holds Annual Taharas Hamishpacha Review

N’shei Chabad of Toronto recently held their annual Taharas Hamishpacha review, dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Frumey Shubov, who gave countless hours to help others in this area.

In Toronto, there are a few things most people do once a year, like changing the snow tires and renewing Costco membership. There is something else the Nshei community has come to appreciate – but not take for granted – the Annual Taharas Hamishpacha Review classes.

The series run over the course of a few weeks, the classes are seedlings for growth in this essential area of family life; enhancing the details of the mitzvah, shalom bayis and the spiritual aura of the home. 

This year’s shiurim were particularly dear to the Toronto community, having been dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Frumey Shubov a”h – an incredible woman who devoted her days literally from morning to evening to the mikvah. In the morning – it was to perform taharos for the deceased. And in the evenings, it was in the role of mikvah attendant. In between, Frumey was often busy helping others in need – always without any fanfare, and with exceptional patience.

In the beautiful, welcoming home of Mrs. Lilah Reinitz,  the review this year was given by Mrs. Chani Aisenbach – a local kallah teacher with many years experience. There are dedicated volunteers who sponsored and/or set up a most magnificent array of refreshments and tasty drinks – all displayed as if it were a community Simcha!

“Chanie spoke clearly and precisely but still covered so much in each shiur” said one participant. “All of the details and the hashkofa behind it can get stale in our minds after some time; so it was nice walking out feeling refreshed and inspired about something that can be so regular and routine.”

In spirit of drawing a larger crowd in honor of Hakhel, Mrs. Sara Morozow was invited to Toronto to share pointers from the book she co-authored – “Holy Intimacy”. [This incredible book can be purchased on Amazon in US and Canada].

In a packed room of eager listeners,  Mrs. Morozow’s captivating talk brought to the table the answers to some key questions many people have but aren’t brave enough to ask.

A woman who attended shared: “Thank you so much for arranging the Taharas Hamishpacha event with Mrs. Sara Marasow. Her talk was informative and gave clarification to many grey areas that are not typically discussed. The event definitely gave me a new perspective on delicate areas of Taharas hamishpacha in a beautiful and uplifting manner. Thank you!”

The review classes took place at the peak of winter here in Toronto,  yet well over a hundred women came in the freezing cold, snow and frost. 

And just like so many other things every Jewish woman does with dedication for her family, making time to review these laws –  in the ‘bigger picture’ – is also a reflection of a woman’s dedication to her family. As we know,  this mitzvah affects all aspects of the physical and spiritual wellbeing of the home.

“.. No matter how good ones conduct may be in fulfilling these laws, there is always room to add on, and G-d is sure to add in His blessings for all ones needs..” (Likkutei Sichos XVI, p. 581)


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