Toronto Mechanchim Gather for Melave Malka

Mechanchim from Chabad schools and yeshivos in Toronto gathered for a melave malka, to give each other chizzuk and to hear words of inspiration, encouraging them in their holy work.

On a recent motzei Shabbos, shluchim to the Chabad educational institutions in Toronto gathered for a melave malka, to give each other chizuk in their shlichus.

The mechanchim enjoyed a sumptuous seuda, joined in heartful nigunim and heard divrei chizuk and inspiring talks from fellow mechanchim.

At the conclusion of the evening, the mechanchim signed a joint duch to be sent to the Rebbe, and then gathered for a group picture.

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  1. Thank you Rabbi and Mrs Eli Serebryanski (from Cheder Chabad) for organizing and personally sponsoring the Melava Malka.
    It was the first and we all look forward to the second.
    It was a meaningful and enjoyable gathering.
    Rabbi MM Shusterman (from Ohr Temimim Lubavitch) discussed the goal of every Yeshiva which is to help a bochur grow in his קבלת עול מלכות שמים. He went on to eloquently explain how this goal can be achieved with the bochur willfully being the one doing the accepting of עול מלכות שמים verses it being imposed on him by others. It was a master piece.

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