Toronto Bochurim and Mekurovim Learn for Eretz Yisroel

Bohcurim and hanhala of the Toronto Yeshiva organized a “Learning For Israel” event to bring the Yidden they visit on mivtzoim throughout Toronto to Yeshiva to learn Torah with them. 

With the ongoing situation in Eretz Yisroel many are thinking, planning and executing different initiatives, mitzvah campaigns, and gatherings and Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto was no different.

Rabbi Mendy Lieberman who is the director of the “Mivtzoyim network” in the yeshiva in Toronto together with bochurim Beryl Lipskar and Mendel Feiglin decided to organize a “Learning For Israel” event to bring the Yidden visited on mivtzoyim throughout Toronto to Yeshiva to learn Torah with them. 

Last week Friday as bochurim took to the streets of Toronto they took along special flyers to invite Yidden to join in a special evening of learning Torah at the Yeshiva l’zchus the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel.

Most of the participants were first-timers in a yeshiva and now had an opportunity to experience the immersive environment of learning in a chassidishe yeshiva atmosphere, many even committing to a regular Tanya/Chassidus chavrusa with bochurim.

Tuesday’s event consisted of learning a compilation in some areas of Chassidus (from the “Jewish Insights” program from the Shluchim Office), followed by Tehillim, tzedaka, a word from Rabbi Lieberman, the Rebbe’s message on Eretz Yisroel (courtesy of the Living Torah program by JEM) and ultimately wrapping up with ma’ariv.

A special thanks to Rabbi Nachman Pearl (the yeshiva cook) who assembled beautiful fruit platters, to bochurim Mendel Feiglin and Beryl Lipskar (who also emceed the event) and to all the bochurim who assisted in any way.

In the z’chus of all the beautiful achdus events and initiatives we should hear only good news iy”h with the coming of Moshiach now!

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