Torah Campaign to Honor Memory of Miami Chossid

Tens years after the tragic passing of Dovid Carroll, who was known for his warm heart and genuine kindness, his family is launching a campaign to raise funds for a new Torah in his memory.

The Carroll family is inviting you to join in our heartfelt campaign to raise funds for a new Sefer Torah in honor of our dear father and husband; Dovid Carroll A’H. 

This past Shabbos 25 Av, 8/12/23,  marked 10 years since his passing, at age 52, after battling months with an acute onset of leukemia. 

Dovid Carroll was beloved. He had genuine kindness towards everyone he met, often forming lifelong bonds. Dovid was an integral member of each community he joined.  He was considered one of the pioneers in the Coral Springs Chabad (1989-2005) and North Miami Beach Chabad (2005-2013) communities. 

Dovid offered his amazing talent for cooking by making lavish food for kiddishes and special event meals. This was his way of making people feel welcomed and stay to farbreng and shmooze for hours, whether at our very own house or the shul. Even when there were no “sponsors for kiddish” on a Shabbos Mevorchim, for instance, Dovid would make sure that his trademark cholent was served by the bowlfuls. Moms would ask for his recipe when their children preferred staying at shul rather than going home for kiddish lunch! Dovid would recruit the teenagers to join him in the kitchen, often the size of a closet, and show them the “tricks of the trade”, making them feel valued and appreciated.  

Dovid was intensely dedicated to learning and teaching on many levels. He had several degrees, certifications, and experience in different fields of study including (but not limited to) electrical engineering, high school teaching for industrial electronics, computer network engineering, and even he earned a law degree by age 52! 

Ultimately, though, Dovid’s passion was for learning Torah and Chassidis. Dovid exemplified what he learned in his everyday life. There is a story of how Dovid dedicated himself to helping a friend with parnosah for their family by teaching him the “nuts and bolts” of computer consulting so he could change his field of work.  We’ve been told that  Dovid donated volumes of seforim to the shul and did other campaigns to raise money for boys to have tefillin for their bar mitzvah or be able to go to Camp Gan Yisrael. Dovid tended to do these mitzvahs discreetly.

It’s hard to say what one thing made Dovid so beloved to others, but the Carroll family and friends usually say it was his incredible sense of humor;  whether it was his impersonations, classic jokes or ridiculous songs. But our fondest memories are of Dovid at the Shabbos table on a Friday night when we would “give over” what we learned, enjoy his delicious dishes with Ta usually falling asleep at the Shabbos table after his busy workweek.

The following is a story related by a friend of Dovid: 13 years ago (before we had children) on the 14th of Av we went on vacation to Marco Island. Opening the door to our suite, we noticed the door next to us opening up and…. out came the Carrolls! We were so excited! Dovid made the best stir fry and invited us to join them for dinner. Our whole vacation was upgraded… no more tuna and corn from the can. We got real food! Since a day later was Tu B’Av, we decided to have a farbrengen so Dovid and Dina joined us for a L’Chaim. We gave farbrenged for a long time and gave each other brochos. 10 months later we both had children… they were born 2 weeks apart! The power of a farbrengen!

Another story told goes as follows: I had known Dovid for many years and one thing stands out that demonstrates the strength of his character. After a number of weeks of not seeing him (since I daven at a different shul), I had excitedly came over to him and gave him a big squeeze with a pat on the back.  Little did I know that he was in the midst of dealing with kidney stones.  He gave a grimace of pain, but contained his smile, all the while gently explaining to me what was going on. I was so terribly sorry that I had unknowingly hurt him, yet he assured me that he’ll be ok. His kindness and smile, while dealing with pain or adversity was always prevalent and serves as lesson for us all. Dovid, you’ll be sorely missed. 

Our campaign has been LIVE since Wed 8/9/23 and runs through Monday 8/14/23.

Please SHARE the campaign link with family, friends, and social media to help us perceptuate Dovid’s life and legacy.

May we share simchas and nachas in Dovid’s  zuchus 

Let’s  give Eliezer Dovid ben Nachum Chaim Nissan’s neshama a huge aliyah


The Carroll Family

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