Tonight: Women Worldwide to Gather in Support of Eretz Yisroel

Women worldwide will unite in person and online with a true spirit of Achdus for the safety of our sisters and brothers in Eretz Yisroel!

What can I do for Eretz Yisroel?

The Question on everyone’s mind.

Dear women worldwide!

The Iron is hot, let’s turn despair into joy and UNITE for an evening of prayer and song, we will make a difference.

TONIGHT! Tuesday – כ”ה תשרי, we are calling ALL women to join together with a true spirit of Achdus to motivate and strengthen one another through niggunim, words of inspiration and joy.

TONIGHT: Tuesday Night 8:30PM @ 470 Lefferts.

Click here to join live!

A Project of: 

Beis Rivkah Alumnae

Beis Rivkah BRanches

N’shei UB’nos Chabad

Jewish Women Influencers

Junior N’shei Chabad

Educating Women in Light of Chasidus

Be there and we’ll bring the ultimate Geulah of Moshiach Now!

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