Tonight: Farbrengen with Rabbi Motty Lipskier

A farbrengen and a siyum marking the yahrzeit of the Rambam will be held in Crown Heights tonight, led by Rabbi Motty Lipskier.

A farbrengen marking the yahrzeit of the Rambam will be held in Crown Heights tonight, combined with a siyum on the Rambam’s Hilchos Shekolim and the beginning of Hilchos Kidush Hachodesh.

The farbrengen will be led by Rabbi Motty Lipskier, a teacher and educator in Crown Heights, and director of The Bais Medrash learning center.

Maariv will preceede the program at 7:15 PM. Following maariv, at 7:30 PM, will be a shiur, and the farbrengen will begin at 8:00 PM.

Tonight, Monday, 20 Teves, January 4th at Reyim Ahuvim – 1614 Carroll Street.


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