Tonight: Experience The Beis Hamikdash In Crown Heights

As part of the ‘Summer Learning Program, a special program will take place tonight: Beis Hamikdahs in VR. Plus, a hot milchige meal will be served.

As part of the ‘Summer Learning Program’ which serves Shiurim on various intriguing topics by leading magidei shiurim during the Summer season, a special program will take place tonight: Beis Hamikdahs in VR.

Bring the Bais Hamikdash to life with this Virtual Reality Tour! With a VR headset, you will feel like they are standing in and taking a live tour of the Bais Hamikdash watching it all from up close.

Make it real! Guided through the halls and chambers of the Bais Hamikdash you will yearn for the third Bais Hamikdash like never before.

The Program will take place tonight, 7 Av, at Mishkan Moshe Center, 580 Crown St. 

Starting at 8:15 PM. Followed by Maariv at 9:10 PM

A hot milchige meal will be served lilui nishmas HaAri HaKadosh, whose teachings have brought Moshiach closer.

Find more shiurim and torah podcasts at

The Summer Learning Program is a joint project of Irgun Torah & MEF 

Join and learn something new and meaningful every night!

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