Live: Chai Elul Farbrengen With Rabbi Michoel Golomb

Live Now: farbrengen will be held tonight, Sunday, at Lefferts Shul in Crown Heights to mark Chai Elul, birthday of the Baal Shem Tov and Alter Rebbe, led by Rabbi Michoel Golombmashpia in 770 Yeshiva. 

A farbrengen will be held tonight, Sunday, at Lefferts Shul in Crown Heights to mark Chai Elul.

The 18th of Elul is marked the birthday of the “shtei hameoros hagedolim”, the Baal Shem Tov – in the year “nachas” 5458 – and Alter Rebbe – in the year “kehos” – 5505.

The farbrengen will be led by Rabbi Michoel Golombmashpia in 770 Yeshiva. 

Sunday evening, Sep. 3rd.
8:00 PM – Ma’ariv
8:10 PM – Farbrengen

672 Lefferts Ave.

A seudas mitzvah with hot food will be served.

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