Tonight: A Taste of Shabbos, Literally and Spiritually

A ‘Leil Shishi’ learning program will take place in Shuls across Crown Heights tonight, offering a spiritual taste of Shabbos with the study of Chassidus, and a literal taste with cholent and kugel being served.

Irgun Torah featuring Thursday night Leil Shishi program, Chassidus night.. where you can get a taste of Shabbos literally and spiritually!

ליל שישי חסידי..
“.. כשמגיע יום חמישי, השבת קרובה יותר ועדיין עומדים חסרי כול, – ברור שיש לעשות משהו; אזי, כשיושבים בליל שישי ולומדים חסידות – או אז מורגש בנפשו ביום שישי “כי אל גדול גו’ ומלך גדול גו’ ” ..היום יום

Come learn some Chassidus and have taste of chassidus and a taste of delicious Shabbos delicacies

“הלומד חסידות בליל שישי טועם טעם שבת”

A taste of Shabbos Literally and Spiritually.

“When one learns chassidus Thursday night – He feels.. “כי אל גדול ומלך גדול” 

Taste of shabbos beruchnius- chassidus
Taste of Shabbos begashmiyus..

It is known that one who learns Chassidus on Leil Shishi, gets a taste of Shabbos. In addition, the Rebbe Maharash stated, “When one learns Chassidus on Thursday nights, one develops an awe of Hashem and one can truly feel that Hashem is Exalted!” And enters the Shabbos spiritually uplifted.

Taste Shabbos begashmiyus uveruchniyus!

As well most Leil shishi learning locations will be serving hot kugel, and some will also be serving hot fleishig chulent by the Legendary Dovid Malka Caterers which are well known for their delicious kugels and chulent.
Come. Join. Learn. Enjoy. Be Inspired! 

.. אמר לו הרבי מהר”ש “עשו  פאנ”ץ ושתו, ובלבד ללמוד תורה אור”.
” .. אזוי זאגט מען, אז דער אלטער רבי האט געזאגט אז קוגל איז מן התורה.”- משיחת ש”פ שלח תש”ל ס”ה.

Below are the participating Shuls:

394 Kingston
Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld
Maamar 9:15 pm

1614 Caroll
Maariv 7:50 | likkutei Torah

466 Albany
Rabbi Werner
Sicha 8:30 pm

Rabbi Yisroel Noach Reitchik
534 Empire
Maariv 9| Likkutei Torah

489 Empire
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Sicha 9:45 pm

580 Crown
Likkutei Torah | 7:00 pm

578 Albany
Rabbi Mendel Bluming
Rambam/Chassidus 8:30 pm

770 Montgomery
Maariv 7:50 | likkutei Torah
Rabbi Holtzberg

672 Lefferts
Maariv 9 pm | Sicha

Rabbi Yuzewitz
Likkutei Torah9:45 pm

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