Today: Torah Dedication In Memory of Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm

The Wilhelm Family invites the entire Crown Heights community to a Siyum and Hachnasas Sefer Torah in memory of Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a”h, on Thursday, Daled Shevat.

The Wilhelm Family invites the entire Crown Heights community to a Siyum and Hachnasas Sefer Torah in memory of Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a”h, on Thursday, Daled Shevat, January 26.

Rabbi Wilhelm was a renowned talmid chochom and author of seforim. For 32 years, he served as menahel of the Mesivta, showing the students a living example of a love for Torah and educating generations of talmidim. Many of his students are now serving as Shluchim, Rabbonim, and members of Anash the world around.

The writing of the final letters will take place at 4:00 PM, at Heichal L’maan Yilmedu, 534 Empire Blvd.

Followed by a procession to Nosson’s Shul, 579 Brooklyn Avenue, for dancing and hakafos.

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