Today: Siyum Sefer Torah in Memory of R’ Shimmy Benabou

A Siyum Sefer Torah will take place today in Crown Heights in memory of Shimmy Ben-Abou, owner of the Kosher Town Supermarket, in connection with his first yahrzeit.

A Siyum Sefer Torah will take place today in Crown Heights in memory of Shimmy Ben-Abou, owner of the Kosher Town Supermarket, in connection with his first yahrzeit.

R’ Shimmy Benabou, was a Crown Heights businessman and entrepreneur in the food retail business who helped many and was known as a tremendous ba’al tzedaka.

Writing the final letters and completion of the Torah at 5:30pm at 1379 Carroll Street.

Procession at 7:00 pm to Lubavitcher Yeshiva 570 Crown St. Followed by Hakofos and a fleishig buffet.

Completing the night with a soulful Kumzitz.

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