Tiferes Gives Authentic Experience With “Taste of Yeshiva” Program

More than fifty students traveled from around the world to experience the “Taste of Yeshiva” program created by Morristown Yeshiva, Tiferes.

More than 50 students get a “Taste of Yeshiva” in Tiferes in Morristown. Most students stayed for an entire week, some for the month, and many more visited just for several days, joining the full time talmidim for a packed experience of learning, farbrenging, inspiration and fun. 

The illustrious hanhala of Tiferes and Tomchei Temimim taught their legendary classes, and special sessions were led by guest Rabbis such as Rabbi Eli Silberstein, Rabbi Kivi Greenbaum and Rabbi Shalom Lubin and a Melave Malka hosted by Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson at his home in Monsey, NY..

“Our objective is to give all the students an authentic yeshiva experience, and have them leave yearning for more,” said Rabbi Yaakov Wagner. “Our talmidim are the best hosts, welcoming the guests and learning with them while modeling for them what a tamim is.”

“In just a short time in Tiferes I have had the opportunity not only to take my learning and davening to a higher level but also to experience the chassidishe derher of this very special community,” shared Jonah Kaufman-Cohen, who came from Rabbi Yaakov Kirshenbaum in Washington Heights. “My time in Tiferes has shown me that I am ready to take the next leap into living a life of Torah and Mitzos, not just within the walls of the yeshiva but as I walk through the wider world. “

David Pekar, a real estate broker and project manager  in Toronto expressed, “What an incredible experience it was to join the Tiferes winter program. I couldn’t thank the Rabbis and my peers enough for the teachings, support, kindness, and most importantly the amazing energy they’ve shared with me. Each day was loaded with various activities and practices that I will take with me for the rest of my life. I cannot wait to be back here again.”

David Piekarski and three more friends were accompanied by his Rabbi Kamchaji Benny from Chabad Israeli (himself a Tiferes alumnus) to yeshiva. He was also inspired and guided back home by Rabbi Israel Landa from Chabad Israeli, and Rabbi Leibel Kaplan from Chabad Flamingo. 

Felipe Ramos came with a friend from Brazil. He said “Coming to Tiferet was the best decision I could have made for my summer. I’ve been able to learn a lot about Judaism and connecting to Hashem. The Rabbis are extremely helpful and the students as well. In fact, being able to meet Jews from around the world was one of the best parts of this incredible experience. I have only gratitude toward Rabbi Mendy Zieger who brought me here, and Rabbi Avraham Steinmetz who has been guiding me and all the other people involved in my spiritual journey.”

Jonah Kaufman-Cohen shared, “In just a short time in Tiferes I have been blessed to learn from so many people. Whether learning with the Rabbis or with the bochurim, I have deepened my understanding of what it is to be a Chassid and connect to the One Above. Over the course of a week packed with shiurim, farbrengens, and opportunities to connect with my fellow Yidden, I have had the opportunity not only to take my learning and davening to a higher level but also to experience the chassidishkiet of this very special community. It is inspirational to see so many bochurim finding their place in the richness of our heritage. My time in Tiferes has shown me that I am ready to take the next leap into living a life of Torah and mitzvos, not just within the walls of the yeshiva but as I walk through the wider world.”

Josh Weingarten, another student, shared, “Tiferes puts a lot of effort into putting on a fantastic winter program. From the shiurim from incredible rabbis to farbrengens with Y.Y. Jacobson, the winter program provided me with many different angles to look at and enjoy Judaism. It was also beautiful to meet Jews from around the world here like my roommates from Argentina and Canada. I want to thank my shluchim from Vanderbilt University, Rabbi Shlomo Rothstein and Rabbi Gavriel Isenberg who have been instrumental in my spiritual growth.”

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