Three Murdered by Hamas Terrorists in Yerushalayim

Three people were murdered Thursday morning in a shooting attack at one of the entrances to Jerusalem.

Three people were murdered Thursday morning in a shooting attack at one of the entrances to Jerusalem.

The murdered have been named as Livia Dickman (24) of Har Nof, Chana Ifergen (67) of Beit Shemesh, and Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman (73) of Ashdod.

Magen David Adom (MDA) reported that five additional victims were moderately injured. Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center have received eight victims who were evacuated from the scene. Two of the victims suffered light injuries, one suffered moderate injuries, and five suffered serious injuries.

Hadassah Eiin Kerem reported that the hospital received three victims: a man of 56 in moderate condition; a woman of 22 in moderate condition; and a boy of 17 who suffered light injuries. All three are fully conscious.

According to initial reports, two terrorists arrived at the scene by vehicle and opened fire at passersby, using M-16 automatic weapons. The terrorists, who are from Jerusalem’s Arab neighborhoods, were eliminated by two soldiers and a civilian.

The Shin Bet later said that the terrorists were affiliated with Hamas and previously served time in prison for terror-related activities. They were identified as Muard al-Namr, 38, and his brother Ibrahim al-Namr, 30. Muard is a released prisoner who spent 10 years in an Israeli prison for terrorist acts he committed under the direction of terror elements in the Gaza Strip. The Shin Bet is investigating whether the attack was directed by Gaza-based Hamas leaders. Later in the day, Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Large forces of police and medical teams are at the scene. Police have requested that the public avoid the scene. The area has been closed off and police are investigating whether there are additional terrorists or accomplices in the area.

Route 1 has been blocked to traffic, from the Motza Interchange towards Jerusalem. Police are at the scene and redirecting traffic to Route 16.

According to MDA, one of the victims is in critical condition, two are in serious condition, and three are in moderate condition. All are being treated at the scene.

Jerusalem District Police commander Doron Turgeman, who arrived at the scene of the attack, said, “This is a shooting attack in which a vehicle arrived at 7:38a.m., with two armed terrorists – one with a rifle and one with a pistol – and attacked people standing at the stop. Two soldiers and a civilian neutralized the terrorists, who were both eliminated. There are two killed and eight injured.”

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Moshe Levy, who was one of the first responders at the scene, said: “The shooting incident took place at a bus stop just outside of the city. Together with other responders, I treated four people. Two people were in critical condition, and two other people were in moderate condition suffering from gunshot wounds.”

“In addition, there were a number of people who were treated for emotional shock and psychological distress by the Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit. At this time, all of the injured have been transported from the scene to the hospital.”

Early on Thursday afternoon, the Hamas terror group took responsibility for the attack.

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  1. Ceasefires only have to be observed by Israel. Exchange of prisoners means exchange of wholly committed Murderers for innocent children, mothers, and grandmothers on a 3 to 1 basis in favor of the murderers. We are dealing with pure unadulterated evil for which there must be no Deals!!

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