Three Days of Farbrengens in 770

Over the days of Yud Tes and Chof Kislev, numerous farbrengens will take place in 770 Eastern Parkway, organized by the gabboim and the hanhala of the Central Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim.

By reporter

Three days of farbrengens will make the Chag Hageulah of Yud Tes – Chof Kislev in Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway.

On Monday night, a farbrengen will be held in the small zal of 770, hosted by the Central Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim and led by mashpia Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi. The farbrengen will begin at 10:30 PM.

In the large zal, a video of the Rebbe’s farbrengen of 19 Kislev 5747 will be shown, starting at 8:00 PM.

On Tuesday, the central Yud Tes Kislev farbrengen will take place in the large zal of 770. The gabboim invited the entire Crown Heights community to attend.

The full program of the farbrengen, as provided by the gabboim to

Leading the farbrengen will be Rabbi Mendel Blau, Rabbi Aharon Leib Raskin – Brooklyn Heights, Rabbi Shlomo Majeski, and Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm. MC will be Rabbi Nissim Lagziel. Concluding the Shas, Tanya and Hayom Yom will be the Rabbonim of the Badatz, Harav Avrohom Osdoba and Harav Yosef Braun. Teaching a ma’amar of the Rebbe will be mashpia Rabbi Michoel Golomb.

On Wednesday, an additional farbrengen will be held in the big zal of 770, organized by the Yeshiva, and led by the hanhala. The farbrengen will begin at 4:30 PM.


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