Thousands Recruited as Major Campaign Reaches Mid-Point

CKids is halfway towards its goal of recruiting 40,000 Jewish children into Tzivos Hashem, marking 40 years since its establishment. You can help CKids reach 100%!

In a historic campaign, CKids is recruiting 40,000 Jewish children into Tzivos Hashem as a way of marking 40 years since the Rebbe established Tzivos Hashem.

Since its inception, hundreds of thousands of kids across the globe have participated in Tzivos Hashem, the Rebbe wants every Jewish child to be enrolled in Tzivos Hashem.

By enrolling in the Tzivos Hashem CKids Brigade, children can complete missions, earn medals, go up in rank, earn prizes and much more! 

Todays’ campaign encourages shluchim to register the children in their communities. Today’s goal is to reach 10,000 new registration. We are holding at 50%, with another 12 hours to go, how many children will you register?

Register children into Tzivos Hashem at


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