Thousands Celebrate 4th Anniversary of Rubashkin Miracle

More than one thousand people came in person, and another 25,000 participated over live streams, at the fourth annual celebration of R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin’s release, held this year in a hall in Lakewood, New Jersey.

R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin was inspiring Klal Yisrael with his Emunah and Bitachon well before his miraculous release on Zos Chanukah 5778  and it has become clear that the inspiration continues well beyond it. 

The fourth annual celebration of R’ Sholom Mordechai’s release, held this year in a hall in Lakewood, New Jersey, wrapped up well after midnight. More than one thousand people came in person, approximately 6,000 people participated using one of the call-in lines, and a staggering 20,000 people celebrated from afar via the video livestream. 

In addition to looking back and celebrating Hashem’s kindness, the attendees heard words of inspiration and practical guidance from a panel consisting of R’ Sholom Mordechai, R’ Pinchos Lipschutz, and R’ Avraham Fried, ably moderated by R’ Yisroel Hisiger. The panel discussion was interspersed by uplifting songs by R’ Avraham, accompanied by R’ Yossi Cohen and the wonderful Shira Choir.

An important theme of the evening, as introduced by R’ Getzel Rubashkin, was the importance of learning and absorbing the topic of Emunah and Bitachon as it is explained in Torah. Although our Emunah and Bitachon are rooted in the essence of our Neshama, he said, it is specifically through the thorough understanding provided by Torah that they provide the illumination and clarity we need in the difficult areas of our lives.

Each seat at the event had a brochure and a bookmark elaborating on that theme and providing a list of weekly Shiurim given by R’ Sholom Mordechai – two Shiurim on Shaar HaBitachon for men, and four classes for women on the practical application, called “Heal the Heart with Emunah and Bitachon.”

The evening culminated with energetic, joyous dancing. The chairs were all cleared away and R’ Sholom Mordechai danced with the crowd for an hour and a half. Participants left the event renewed and refreshed, with many committed to starting or expanding their study of the Torah sources on Emunah and Bitachon. 

“Every time we gather to celebrate with R’ Sholom Mordechai I’m blown away all over again by the Achdus around him – every kind of Yid is represented and it always feels like we’re one big family,” one attendee said. “And it’s always so practical! It was a real crash course on Emunah and Bitachon, for real life people.”

May Klal Yisrael merit to experience Aleph, Beis, Gimmel on a national scale – may our Emunah and Bitachon be rewarded with the ultimate Geulah we all await every day. 


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