This Tu B’Shvat – Make Your Money Grow On Trees!

The Parnassah Raffle is offering you an additional salary of $2,500 a month for 6 months! Ever thought about what that could mean for you? Take advantage of our Tu B’Shvat special!

If you knew you had an additional salary of $2,500 coming in how would it change your life?

Have you ever thought about it?

Would you save it or spend it?

The lucky winner of the Parnassah Raffle will receive exactly that!

$2,500 a month for 6 months! 

Spend Less Time Stressing, More Time to Count Your Blessings.

Today only, using code 2BSHVAT, your donation of $70 or more will double your chances of winning! Yes, that includes both the BONUS salary and the lace front wig!

*Please note that the date of the raffle drawing has been changed to Thursday, 22 Shevat – Feb 4.*

Take Part Today!


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