This Child Won’t Receive Birchas Habonim This Year…

A moment before Yom Kippur begins, parents bless their children with birchas habonim. But the one-year-old son of shliach Rabbi Shimmy Hershkovitz won’t be able to receive a bracha from his father…

A moment before Yom Kippur begins, parents bless their children with birchas habonim. But the one-year-old son of shliach Rabbi Shimmy Hershkovitz won’t be able to receive a bracha from his father…

Just under two weeks ago, Shimmy passed away after a valiant battle with cancer, leaving behind a young wife and a one-year-old toddler.

This year, Shimmy won’t be giving his son birchas habonim under his tallis, but he will surely be blessing him from on high…

For us, the only thing we can do is make sure that the sweet, innocent boy will not be lacking anything else in his life.

Please remember Shimi. Don’t leave them alone!

They need us to be their support!

Donate now for the family.

Click here to donate now!

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