Thirty Voices, One Mission: Shluchim Share Moshiach Views

A special edition of their Farbrengen-in-Print series entitled ‘Thirty Voices, One Mission,” includes thirty shluchim sharing their perspectives on what the Rebbe’s call for Kabbalas Pnei Moshiach means in their shlichus. 

In honor of Gimmel Tammuz the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 published a special edition of their Farbrengen-in-Print series entitled ‘Thirty Voices, One Mission,” by thirty shluchim sharing their perspectives on what the Rebbe’s call for Kabbalas Pnei Moshiach means in their shlichus. 

“I am not anxious about Gimmel Tammuz,” a yungerman shared earlier this month. “I am concerned about Daled Tammuz, the day after. On Gimmel Tammuz, I will be sad and frustrated, but energized and fully invested. I will have feelings. But the next day, I know that I will be back to the bills, the oil change, dinner, bathtime, rent, chavrusas, and the regular shiurim. I will shelve my questions and return to my regular life. That’s what I am truly concerned about.” This anecdote is recorded in the forward to the newest Vision Conscious Farbrengen-in-Print published for Gimmel Tammuz, entitled ‘The Day After’.

As thirty years since Gimmel Tammuz nears, Lubavitchers across the globe have been preparing and contemplating its significance. A new Farbrengen-in-Print, produced by the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, explores what lies at the heart of it all.

In this publication, thirty shluchim from a broad spectrum of ages were asked, “What does lekabel p’nei Moshiach, the shlichus that the Rebbe charged to us at the Kinus Hashluchim Haolami 5752, mean to you?” Presented are their diverse perspectives, touching on all aspects of life.

In one article, Rabbi Mendel Lerman, Shliach to Peachtree Corners, Georgia, gives his take: It’s a matter of reframing. “We are not busy being mekarev Yidden until Moshiach comes, rather we are busy bringing Moshiach through being mekarev Yidden. When shluchim live with this, their communities are ignited too, and the whole world stands ready for the Geulah.” 

Rabbi Danny Cohen, Shliach to Chevron shares how the mandate to make your city ready for Moshiach affects his narrative on his makom hashlichus. “When people hear the word Chevron, I don’t want them to think about demonstrations, but about the Avos and Imahos. Now when I take people around Chevron, I tell them this place will be Moshiach’s first stop on the way to Yerushalayim; he will come here first to awaken the Avos.

The magazine is produced by the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 under the Vision Conscious project, a resource of material, video, audio and print, focusing on the goal of Geulah being infused into every aspect of our shlichus. Based on the last sichah the Rebbe shared at a Kinus Hashluchim, “the main shlichus of our day is to converge all of our actions under the single focus of preparing for Moshiach (paraphrase).”

A special tribute to Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky a”h, Chairman of the Moshiach Office, is included in the publication, as well as snippets of his many talks on the subject of Moshiach throughout the last few years. One idea recorded is his memories of the day of Chof-Ches Nissan 5751, which he spoke about publicly at the launch of Tut Altz on Chof-Ches Nissan 5781.

Rabbi Kotlarsky said, “The Rebbe was enjoining the Chassidim to take the task seriously and get on board with him. These two things need to be on our mind henceforth: either you are preparing yourself or you are preparing the world for Moshiach.” He added, “Which Chassid doesn’t want to be reunited with the Rebbe? The Rebbe is waiting for us to bring him good news, to take on the mantle and accomplish the mandate.” 

His son and successor, Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302, writes in his opening letter, “More than anything, my father took the mission of bringing Moshiach seriously, for he knew that this is the Rebbe’s main desire. As Chassidim, we must translate our yearning to concrete action by properly preparing ourselves, our families, and our communities to be mikabel p’nei Moshiach Tzidkeinu.”

The Farbrengen-in-Print is filled with anecdote stories and perspectives from Shluchim ranging from 30-60, who went out in the years 5752 to the present. The stories carry potent messages, like Ron Cohen a”h, from Malibu, California, who once expressed, “You speak beautifully, but I don’t hear the Rebbe, I only hear you.” Rabbi Levi Cunin, shliach to Malibu, learned an invaluable lesson in that, “The Rebbe wants us to be completely present and not get in the way of his message.”

The goal of this read is to revitalize commitment to the Rebbe’s mission, as Rabbi Motti Wilhelm, of Portland, Oregon writes, “With everything that we’ve been through, with all the challenges of the past few decades, one thing is sure: we stand committed to the shlichus with complete resolve. Every day, we wake up anew and recommit ourselves to fulfilling the shlichus of kabbalas p’nei Moshiach Tzidkeinu, no matter how frustrating the matzav may be.”

The Farbrengen-in-Print has been shipped to every shliach in the USA in time for Gimmel Tammuz. 

Download the Farbrengen-in-Print here.

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