On Tuesday, as on every night of Chanukah, bochurim gathered in the small room adjoining the Rebbe’s Ohel for mincha and the lighting of the menorah. Many other menorahs of all shapes and sizes were placed in strategic positions in the nearby “tents”.
By Anash.org reporter
Photos: Ori Reinitz/Anash.org
On every evening of Chanukah, a small crowd of bochurim gather in the small room adjoining the Rebbe‘s Ohel for a short but powerful practice.
While standing in the Rebbe’s daled amos, and with the door to the Ohel slightly ajar, the crowd davens mincha and then lights a menorah, followed by the singing of the traditional Chabad niggun of Haneiros Halalu.
Since Gimmel Tammuz, chassidim have utilized the small room as a shul, in line with the instructions of the Rebbe Rashab for the Alter Rebbe’s Ohel. On Shabbos, Yom Tov and special occasions, minyonim are held in the room, in addition to the constant minyonim in the nearby tents. The auspicious time of the kindling of the Chanukah lights is one time of the year when chassidim wish to be near the Rebbe, and as such, a crowd gathers near the Ohel to light the menorah every year.
In the nearby tents, additional menorahs are placed at strategic points, to increase in the pirsumei nissa. Besides for a large menorah outside the Ohel, menorah are placed in a prominent position in the front tent, and in the tent that serves as a shul. Menorahs are also made available for visitors who may not yet have one of their own.
Every evening, the bochurim studying by the Ohel head out to surrounding areas for Mivtza Chanukah, spreading the message of Chanukah to as many Yidden as possible.
Throughout Chanukah, many take the opportunity to visit the Rebbe’s Ohel. This year, with the increased Ohel bus service, the Ohel has seen even more visitors than usual, and many more are expected over the coming days.
Click here for the full expanded Ohel bus schedule for Chanukah.
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