There’s a Reason Kingston’s Cheder is Called a “Crown Heights School”

They don’t have generations of alumni, but they still distribute scholarships in numbers on par with any Crown Heights school. Help support Cheder Menachem of Kingston, PA, a “Crown Heights transplant” just three hours away. 

It’s not for naught that Crown Heights schools have a special place of honor in the psyche of Lubavitchers worldwide. The steady growth, the expansive mindset, and the ambitious strategies are admired and venerated. 

Cheder Menachem of Kingston, PA, is one school that stands out as a microcosm of the vaunted schools of Crown Heights. With rapid but sustained growth and a distinct focus on highest-quality chinuch, one could step inside the school and forget he is three hours down the I-80. The number of scholarships granted are likewise on par with Crown Heights schools, with over a million dollars in scholarships granted each year.

There is one glaring difference, however. While schools in Crown Heights have generations of alumni that give back to their alma mater, Kingston is a relatively young community, without the years behind it to have an alumni base to turn to. They also don’t have the large donors that the big-name schools have.

That’s why they need you. As Cheder Menachem of Kingston nears the end of their ‘Explosive Growth’ campaign, they are turning to Lubavitchers in Crown Heights and other communities for their support. Your $18 or $36 gift to Cheder Menachem will make a real difference for a budget largely funded by small donations, and have an impact felt across the school.

Your donation will help bring the campaign to the finish line and will help Cheder Menachem continue growing while boosting their infrastructure to grow along the student body. 

And hey, who knows, perhaps you, your children, or your grandchildren, will end up moving to Kingston some day? Think ahead, and take part in the community’s growth!

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