The World is Missing Something, You Can Fill That Void

“I’m just another regular Chabad girl. I got married and hoped to start a family. We waited and waited. Every single month we davened to fall pregnant. And every single month, I was bitterly disappointed.” A waiting mother-to-be pens a letter to the Chabad community.

Dear Community,

I’m just another regular, Chabad girl. I got married and hoped to start a family. We waited and waited. Every single month we davened to fall pregnant. And every single month, I was bitterly disappointed. Months passed, and we realized something wasn’t right.

We started going to doctors, looking for answers. It seemed like everyone around us was becoming parents.

We discovered that we needed expensive treatment to have a child. 

I was devastated. Insurance didn’t cover treatment, and we didn’t have that kind of money. 

We felt hopeless and alone trying to navigate this difficult road on our own. We became isolated from our friends who were already parents, and it felt like the world was staring at my stomach, trying to determine if I was pregnant. 

We got connected to Bonei Olam Chabad, and everything changed. Our counselor determined the best treatment for us, and most importantly, they have committed to funding it. We know we aren’t alone. 

Although we are still waiting for our miracle, I know that with Bonei Olam Chabad on our side, Hashem will soon give us the brocha we are so desperately Davening for. 

Today, I’m turning to you to help make my biggest dream come true.

With your help, I might be pregnant soon. 

Bonei Olam Chabad is raising $1.3 million to help people like me. Will you be a part of this extraordinary opportunity to give couples the brocha of parenthood? 

Can you make my greatest hope a reality? 

Unfortunately, my story is not so unique. Currently, there are 104 couples in our community davening for their miracle, just like me and my husband.

There are just a few minutes left of the campaign. Donate now and make a difference. 

Now is the time for us to make miracles. 


Waiting to be a mother

Be a part of this mitzvah today and donate at

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