‘The Rosh’ Delivers Shiurim at Crown Heights Kollels

Harav Ezra Schochet, Rosh Yeshiva of YOEC, gave shiurim on Chanukah topics while in Crown Heights this past week. Audio and Gallery

By: Anash.org reporter

This past Thursday, yungerleit in Crown Heights kollels heard a shiur from visiting Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Ezra Schochet of Los Angeles, California.

Harav Schochet, in Crown Heights for the wedding of a grandchild, gave a shiur in Kollel Menachem on Chanukah subjects, including the special din of mehadrin min hamehadrin unique to Chanukah, as well as the source for each man lighting his own menorah, and halachic background for public menorah lightings.

Attending the shiur was also Rosh Kollel Harav Yosef Heller. Following the shiur Harav Schochet and Harav Heller continued discussing some of the topics covered.

Earlier in the day, Harav Schochet gave a shiur in Kollel Anash on Montgomery Street. The shiur, also on Chanukah topics, was arranged by Mendy Harlig.

The Shiur in Kollel Menachem – in Yiddish
The Shiur in Kollel Anash – in English


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