The Rebbe’s Haggadah Made Available For Everyone

The newly republished Haggadah, doubles both as a beautiful state-of-the-art Haggadah, complete with Chabad minhagim and an easy translation, assisting students and adults in their study of the Rebbe’s Haggadah.

While the physical preparations for Pesach are picking up speed, schlepping and cleaning, shopping and cooking, there’s a special spiritual preparation that many chassidim have been doing for decades – studying the Rebbe’s Haggadah in preparation for the Seder.

This year with a newly re-edited translation and students’ Question and Answer format, this task has become a lot easier and much more enjoyable.

The newly republished Haggadah, doubles both as a beautiful state-of-the-art Haggadah, complete with Chabad minhagim and an easy translation; and as a Sefer Limud, assisting students and adults in their study of the Rebbe’s Haggadah.

While the first part of the Sefer serves as a beautiful Haggadah – fit to grace the Seder table; the second section of the Sefer presents a totally reformatted student’s style Haggadah showcasing the wealth of the Rebbe’s Haggadah through more than 700 questions and answers! The Q&A format allows students to study, review and master the Rebbe’s Haggadah, with all the references quoted by the Rebbe (which have been brought and explained in the Q&A and in the footnotes).

The Haggadah, translated and explained by Rabbi Zalman Shanowitz, and edited and reviewed by a talented team of editors and experts, allows everyone, from schoolchildren to Rabbonim and everyone in between, to learn, appreciate, and delve into the amazing Chiddushim of the Rebbe’s Haggadah.

In this new edition of the Haggadah (available now in Crown Heights bookstores), the Sefer quotes all the necessary sources and references that the Rebbe brings. These sources unlock a wider spectrum of clarity and depth which may remain hidden in the simple reading of the Haggadah. This comes as an addition to the easy translation, opening of Roshei Teivos, and explanations that were featured in the previous version as well.

A lot of work was put in gathering and translating all the Chabad Minhogim so the Haggadah will be a perfect choice for every Seder table in every Chabad family.

The previous version, which was reviewed by the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Ezra Shochat, has been used and enjoyed in schools and Yeshivos, assisting students of all ages to appreciate the insight and the beauty of the Rebbe’s Haggada.

This new edition (published in a limited release for Pesach, and to be republished again after Yom Tov), had the formatting and graphics redone by “Beis Hasforim”, making this Haggadah a pleasure on the eyes and the perfect Haggadah to adorn the Seder table, enhancing the Pesach Seder for both kids and adults.

Pesach is a time when we focus on tradition and heritage, and the transmittance of this hallowed tradition to our children. The Rebbe’s Haggadah elucidates and clarifies this beautiful tradition, and this edition of the Rebbe’s Haggadah helps transmit this special heritage to our children.


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